

  • Andrey Great site! Super!!! One of the best sinet in the web. Brilliant work! :)
  • MathM no problem ;-)
  • DiLA my hd died :(
  • P01 that hurts : \
  • mystic warrior maybe if you hadn't replied "i feel for ya" to intrinsic a few hundred oneliners ago, the time would be different and this wouldn't be happening...
  • Intrinsic I JINXED DiLA :(
  • DiLA im back... didnt loose much :/
  • Charrue comment ils font pour coder des trucs pareil seulement en 25*6 bytes ???
  • P01 il faut souvent ruser. Mais il existe des m?thodes toutes b?tes pour gagner 1 octet ou 2 par ci par l? ( genre exploiter les valeurs par defaut des registres, faire un XOR AX,AX au lieu de MOV AX,0 , etc ... )
  • MathM Non en fait nous sommes des programmeurs chevronn?s pass?s ma?tres dans la manipulation de l'octet. Ce que nous faisons est tr?s difficile et demande une maitr?se totale du syst?me ;-)
  • P01 MathM: what ? you speak French ? Saperlipopette!
  • TxG Eh ben, ?a fait un moment que je n'ai pas jet? un oeil sur la scene demo et je pensais que les plus petites etaient les 1024B :) Chapeau les gars!!
  • DiLA bonjour ;)
  • P01 mais ... tout le monde parle fran?ais ici.
  • DiLA ..erm
  • P01 enough chitchat in French :p let's use a language everybody understand
  • Optimus 00110001010010101110010110
  • 26 bits? 01000110011101010110001101101011001000000111010100101100001000000110110001100001011011010110000101101000001000010011101101110000
  • DiLA its suposed to be a one-liner...
  • Iron Wallaby Yeah, sure, that's what they all say. ;)
  • DiLA cute wallpapers PO1 ;)
  • Intrinsic Wallpaper is great P01 :) i just resized(no resample!) it x2 and set it. Haven't used a wallpaper in about 5 years :)
  • P01 wow, glad you enjoyed them that much.
  • Some1 CRT = CANCER! :P
  • B_KiLLeR POI: i always clear my cookies between sessions, ... but if it would look the same as now wo/ cos, than no prob. for me :)

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  • Complete archive back ( at last )

    It took 5 months, but I've received the message. Let's put the delay on the count of a new job + some freelance work + more professional contacts + some extreme boredom to touch a code that was working perfectly until the host changed the settings and rights with no warning.2005-06-05 by P01

  • Recent problems

    As many of you saw, there's been some problems recently with the downloads. I was away for almost a month for the birth of my nephew when the host of http://www.256b.com had no better idea than changing the configuration of PHP. Therefore all the prods with an ID above 402 are not available. Btw, I received 2800+ mails of errors and a handfull of inmates noticed me the bug too. I'll fix that as soon as possible. Meanwhile, happy new year!2005-01-02 by P01

  • Page titles, new skin and other minor changes

    One thing bugged me since a while : the title of the prods did not appear in the title of the pages. That thing is fixed. Adding a wildcard in the SEARCH input is not longer mandatory. Some minor things have changed in the XHTML/CSS. And I made a new skin for the site. Your feedback is welcome.2004-11-28 by P01

  • Improvement of the search feature

    Wildcards have been enabled in the SEARCH feature. You can use * or ? like anywhere else. At least that's a significant improvement until I code the Advanced Search feature to allow the search on any field ( name, coder, year, group, ... ).2004-10-21 by P01

  • Hello CPC

    256b.com welcomes its first Amstrad CPC intro. It's called "a bouncing pixel" ( http://www.256b.com/demo/463 ). You'll find the URL of an emulator in the LINKS sections and will btw see the new button I made for pouet.net few days ago.2004-10-18 by P01

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