- Tyler Durden Nop ! The best small debugger is AVPUtil !!! It's so called TSRDebugger (it's possible even to see ticks change in BIOS area :)
- kometbomb I think dosbox does some kind of debugging too, however it's so damn slow that it's completely useless for tiny stuff (which often is pretty slow code)
- tralaylay mmmmm
- DiLA time waits for no man
- Vic20 Hello ;]
- DiLA sin gen is hard :/
- B_KiLLeR Finally, I've finished my ascii-decoder one hour before deadline, even wrote a gfx effect in 135 bytes, but it looks like I have time left... [btw: 133 *RAW* bytes/oneliner capacity!!!] DiLA: you have 400 other demos to choose from...
- LGDT !!!! Alvaro and shr ARE GIRLS !!!! O.o
- MathM o.O
- B_KiLLeR LGDT: Know 'em or what? Only Alvaro has screenshots on their mainpage, can you give a link to shr's? // DiLA: I'm sure I can't help you, but anyway: what sin gen? The circle?
- Intrinsic I used to have a really small 0..255 sin gen but got lost in my HD crash ;p maye you can adapt this one DiLa: http://www.df.lth.se/~john_e/gems/gem0024.html
- kometbomb I just took mine from a 128 byte rotozoomer. it uses FPU, and I don't really know if it's smaller than that gem
- DiLA how can i push a register onto the fpu stack as an integer?
- Optimus My intros (kefrens256, blobdistort201) used a tiny one, provided by Baze.
- DiLA :P kewl... oooooh sini waves!!
- kometbomb DiLA: x87 is pretty anal about that (among other things), you have to do "mov [temp],ax / fild word [temp]" or something similar. newer processors maybe partly fix that.
- DiLA little bit dodgey... but i can see it!!! http://www.mindblock.org/misc/sinwave.exe
- baze ...and to save bytes, use mov [si],ax; fild word [si] :)
- DiLA sweet, im such an ass
- B_KiLLeR PH5~~PY0H(0H,1H40H71H81H;1H@%@A4BPP^_X@P-<!rz$?4@PZXQktnQQsy+SX@cs]IFPmp_tSLKaIF}SMPpqDKYTxHvgKl|u`lpqn|xB[x|GC\APpH@O~{JPMp?EHBPCD\}Y|P`KpmpEN?s@W@DLBdTK@MKaCC [thE/PAPO/(BraiN)KiLLeR] [ENcoder<IN.com>OUT.asc] [first 66B=Dcoder:skip#32/CRlfEOF] :)
- DiLA nice one B_KiLLeR ;)
- B_KiLLeR Tx, but the oneliner handls long lines oddly. Line shouldn't break before "@cs", see the comments/patch at 80b tunnel. BTW: don't forget that "+66" at offsets! (okok, sorry, i'll try not to flood the oneliner anymore, but i simply HAD to share this... ;-)
- P01 B_KiLLeR: the oneliner ( and the comments ) splits the words every 64 characters to prevent to break the design, and vanish the attempts of the little morons posting some huuuuuge words like it's been the case a while ago on pouet.net.
- DaFreak/rno^lqs very stylish page =) ...congratz!
- P01 DaFreak/rno^lqs: Thank you. // B_KiLLeR: since that's tricky to read/save your last prods, you should submit them and put the compiled code in the .nfo or file_id.diz
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POST A ONELINER- Complete archive back ( at last )
It took 5 months, but I've received the message. Let's put the delay on the count of a new job + some freelance work + more professional contacts + some extreme boredom to touch a code that was working perfectly until the host changed the settings and rights with no warning.2005-06-05 by P01
- Recent problems
As many of you saw, there's been some problems recently with the downloads. I was away for almost a month for the birth of my nephew when the host of http://www.256b.com had no better idea than changing the configuration of PHP. Therefore all the prods with an ID above 402 are not available. Btw, I received 2800+ mails of errors and a handfull of inmates noticed me the bug too. I'll fix that as soon as possible. Meanwhile, happy new year!2005-01-02 by P01
- Page titles, new skin and other minor changes
One thing bugged me since a while : the title of the prods did not appear in the title of the pages. That thing is fixed. Adding a wildcard in the SEARCH input is not longer mandatory. Some minor things have changed in the XHTML/CSS. And I made a new skin for the site. Your feedback is welcome.2004-11-28 by P01
- Improvement of the search feature
Wildcards have been enabled in the SEARCH feature. You can use * or ? like anywhere else. At least that's a significant improvement until I code the Advanced Search feature to allow the search on any field ( name, coder, year, group, ... ).2004-10-21 by P01
- Hello CPC
256b.com welcomes its first Amstrad CPC intro. It's called "a bouncing pixel" ( http://www.256b.com/demo/463 ). You'll find the URL of an emulator in the LINKS sections and will btw see the new button I made for pouet.net few days ago.2004-10-18 by P01
view the 10 previous news
- Langton's Ant
- Waves3D
- Mandelbrot Hyperdrive
- SineBobs 2
- Pulsing Deadline
- sechstanz
- Starblaze
- Plasmeroid
- Party Acceleration
- True Colors 128 bytes intro (1)
- Sn0w32 (6)
- Life (7)
- Storm (2)
- 4 colors are enough! (1)
- Sierpinski Triangle Real-time fractal Gen. (49)
- Snake256b (1)
- advanced radiosity (1)
- Sierpinski 29bytes (1)
- Lissajous_3-5 (1)