

  • sh baby roll call
  • bashrollerpin hey yo captain jack
  • O koch curves are real nice, like special snowflakes
  • sh this was an old entries - working on completing parties

view the 25 previous oneliners


PREVIOUS NEWS ( page 2 )
  • Minor update

    I thought download counters were not necessary. But they have been requested several times, so I brought them back. They are now at the end of the description of the demos.2004-06-04 by P01

  • A feature resurrected

    As it seemed popular and proved to be usefull, the screenshots are now visible in the search results. And for those who hadn't figured yet, you can list all the 256b demos by leaving the search field blank.2004-05-26 by P01

  • Minor update

    The pagination feature of the oneliner is back and a chunk_split() like method is applied to split the very long words without breaking the URL in the comments.2004-05-25 by P01

  • 256B.com v3.0

    As you can see, 256B.com have been rebuild. It's finally in XHTML1.0 and CSS2.0 which divides the weigh of the pages up to 3times. The complete archive of the demos is now available in a single file. A platform field have been added to the the demo sheets and the cherry on the cake, the demos are now stored on the server of http://www.256b.com . Another update should see the light within few days, stay tuned.2004-05-13 by P01

  • 256B.com back to life

    The historical (free) host of 256b.com have had a severe power failure and couldn't care less to physically restart the server. So we moved 256b.com to a new (real) host. Thank you for your patience and attention during the transfert.2004-01-20 by P01

  • 0a000h 2004

    The 0a000h will be between 27-29 February 2004 in Spiegelberg-Jux - Germany. This time with 256b, 64b and 32b intros but also 1Kb game categories and obviously fast size-compo. See http://www.0a000h.de for complete informations.2003-12-13 by P01

  • Minor update

    After some months of hibernation, I've added the "Latest comments" feature and added a warning about HTTP:// and FTP:// protocols in the SUBMIT page. I hope those minor things will let the 256Bytes community be a little more active.2003-09-16 by P01

  • #asm compo 7 announce

    EFnet #asm is running its 7th contest at http://asmcompo.dimebar.net The purpose is to make a 256 byte intro for 386/486 class PC's before the 1st June 2003 at 00:00 GMT ...news reported by razzi2003-05-08 by P01

  • http://www.0a000h.de hosts the 0a000h with 256/64/32bytes compo

    0a000h 2003 will be held from 24. - 26. January 2003 in the Festhalle Sulzbach/Murr. Among other categories, we expect the best from the 256b, 64b, 32b and fast size-coding.2002-12-06 by P01

  • some news about the SUBMIT & DESCRIPTION

    The submit process if finally fixed, I apologize for the delay but some problem with my personnal computer kept me away from 256B.com for a while. As some requested earlier, and since it's not always easy to test the demos in the best conditions to review them, I've added the possibility to anyone to update the comment and description of the demos. I hope nobody will abuse this feature.2002-08-08 by P01

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