- sh baby roll call
- bashrollerpin hey yo captain jack
- O koch curves are real nice, like special snowflakes
- sh this was an old entries - working on completing parties
view the 25 previous oneliners
POST A ONELINER- a PHP update kinda messed 256B.com up
OK, 256B.com host has updated the old version of PHP4.02 to PHP4.2.1 and since I don't have the mail parameters of the 256B.com account, I haven't been warned of this update. Due to some differences of access method to the GET variables between the two versions of PHP, 256B.com was kinda messed up. It should be fixed now. Sorry for the troubles.2002-06-23 by P01
- 256B.com was down today
As you might have noticed, 256B.com was down today. It seems that the problem came from the HOST because during the rare time while I had access to the FTP all I could do was displaying some debug informations and see that the problem didn't came from the code. SORRY for the inconvenience.2002-06-04 by P01
As several people asked some CSS changes, I've tweaked the style-sheet. The font-size and content tabs width are no more fixed thus you can increase the font-size if you want.2002-06-02 by P01
I've implemented the DEMO EDIT FORM for administrators, it's just a question of time to see the comments corrected ( I'll do some tomorow, it's 1:45am now ). BTW, you might have all noticed that I increased the size of the texts ( sorry guyz, I've got bionic eyes +___+ )2002-05-28 by P01
- Demos url #223 to #246 fixed
Due to the urge of the last few days, I've messed the database and some URL were pointing to the next demo. It's now fixed, but I still have to write thedescription of 277 demos > ___ < Whatever, don't worry to notice me any bug or suggestions.2002-05-22 by P01
- 256B.com version2.0
I almost did this version from scratch. You'll can see some little improvements here and there such as the "same code" / "same group" / "same contest" demos in the infos tab plus an easiest and faster submit process. And I'm sure you won't miss the complete lifting ^__^ NB: 256B.com now validates the XHTML1.0 and CSS1 recommendations of the W3C2002-05-19 by P01
Some weeks ago Insomniac told me he certainly wouldn't be able to admin 256b.com for some months and asked me to admin 256b.com during this period which I proudly accepted.Since 256b.com isn't really clean and that I don't have all I need to fully admin it > __ < I beg your pardon if some bugs appears here or there.2002-05-09 by P01
- Small update
Ok, I am lazy. However, I've now fixed the onliner so it's easy to go through the old liners.The site has currently had over 30 000 visits!2002-03-08 by INSOMNIAC
- Help needed
I feel the urge to have a Tiny-section here in the archive. Another site in other words, that will deal with 64b,128b and 512b demos. There are, as we all know, some very good demos in these categories and it's a shame that they haven't got any place for themselves.What needs to be done is the design-work and some php/mysql coding. If you feel like helping in the development of this "archive", then mail me: insomniac@256b.com.2002-02-16 by INSOMNIAC
- Happy Birthday!
Today the archive has been up for 1 year!! Weeeee!2002-01-29 by INSOMNIAC
view the 10 previous news / 10 next news / latest news
- MoonSine - Sweet Potato
- What the _?
- Miss you
- Dilemma Plain
- Second Reality Tunnel
- Lucky Wheel Tunnel
- BinCo128
- Rolling Tyre
- True Colors 128 bytes intro (1)
- Sn0w32 (6)
- Life (7)
- Storm (2)
- 4 colors are enough! (1)
- Sierpinski Triangle Real-time fractal Gen. (49)
- Snake256b (1)
- advanced radiosity (1)
- Sierpinski 29bytes (1)
- Lissajous_3-5 (1)