

Sindrawfs10 by MATRIX / ?

3download this *** 256b Sindrawfs10.zip

Heavily size optimized coloured sinewave drawing program in 101 bytes- scrolling, 100 bytes - stay in place

released in 2004 on PC

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  • kometbomb On WinXP (SP2) I see just scrolling colored dots, instead of any curves.
  • P01 ditto on Win2K sp4
  • B_KiLLeR ditto on DOS sp0. ;) But, i sometimes get tangential curves and rarely some sinusiods. 3 in 1 gfx, how fantastic! I wish it wouldn't require me to exit to see the next... <:*)_my_ 64 byte sine wave drawer can only draw a sine wave... and it isn't heavily
  • B_KiLLeR and mine is not heavily optimized neither :-b
  • LGDT h?t ez nagyon sux. miafaszra haszn?lod azt a sok byteot?
  • LWSS Talan tul sokat lanyozik?
  • LGDT de lehet, hogy a 32byteos scroller mell? tett m?g bele vagy 2 v?rust :D
  • LGDT most m?r &#337; ir?ny?tja mindenki g?p?t LMAO
  • Matrix On WinXP (SP2) I see just scrolling colored dots, instead of any curves. - That's because they are scrolling colored dots, forming a sinevawe :)
  • anonymous h?t ez nagyon sux. miafaszra haszn?lod azt a sok byteot? - te sux, ezek t?bbsz?r haszn?lt adatok :), szerintem feldobom a sourceot Flat Assembly
  • Matrix feldobtam a sourceot
  • Matrix i told you it was size optimized, note this in my source: les di,[bx] ; size - xp and 200 users use alternativenew windos doesn't like hard optimizations
  • LGDT oksa, n?zem
  • DiLA smooth

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