SETKA by Pirx / ind
Intensely Erotic Tacts Of Arithmetic Coprocessor
released in 2004 on PC
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This demo have been downloaded 1 919 times among which 881 times the previous month.
- kometbomb bizarre. I like it.
- Intrinsic funkadelic!
- DiLA wow! wierd and wouderfull
- Optimus That's really funky baby! =)
- borek Very good! It's fantastic job!
- MathM nutritive
- Niania No Pirx, to tw?j wielki dzień. To Tw?j debiut na scenie. Nie wolno Ci dzisiaj być trzeźwym:)
- negative in engish: VERY VERY GOOD. I THINK IT'S polish: ZAJEBISTE :)
- spec very psychodelic indeed,cool generators(some spirals and some others nice animated shapes)cool. pozdro pirx, z gdynii :)
- Inqb No, niezle
- LGDT i don't like this one.
- Matrix that adc di,ax ; cmp bh,[si] is interesting @ the end :)
- konrad Wow! It is very good demo! Title is very intresting. Cangratulations!