

lander by Baze / 3SC

3download this **** 256b lander.zip

A simple top-down voxel terrain raycast.

ranked 1 @ Syndeecate '03 in 2003 on PC

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This demo have been downloaded 1 929 times among which 1 014 times the previous month.

  • tmb ok, it's baze + 256b... equals roks
  • P01 actually you can say the same with Sillique or Tmb ( you ). Whatever, it's nice and should have looked pretty cool on party place ( giant screen + dark room )
  • busho hohoo!
  • baze For those of you interested, I have uploaded a refined version to my website. Thanks for positive reactions, although I had only very little time for coding (but that obviously shouldn't be an excuse).
  • DiLA interesting
  • dTkPAEz i love your stuff
  • DiLA www.3sc.sk dont work :(
  • Pirx Gosh this is beautiful.

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