

fuzzin by [neo] / ByTeGeiZ

3download this **** 256b fuzzin.zip

color plasma 64b intro including exitkey and gfx reset (look below)

ranked 5 @ 0a000h 2002 in 2002 on PC

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This demo have been downloaded 1 940 times among which 1 012 times the previous month.

  • poi really nice for a 64b. Thumb up for the colors and exiting properly
  • Nexinarus Wow this is cool... pretty good for such limited space... woot
  • billy this is the bees knees ;-}~
  • insomniac hmm... I remember making some really tiny plasma called "prawn" or something.. oh. nevemrind :D
  • neo fuzzin
  • Tyler Durden Yep ! This great, the best 64b I've ever seen
  • DiLA 404 File Not Found
  • P01 sorry BYTEGEIZ removed the file of their website
  • P01 the files are now on scene.org until I mirror them here ;)
  • DiLA now i see it ;) very cool
  • ozn cute texture :)
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