

Anapurna by Dee / Downtown

3download this ***** 256b anapurna.zip

Two animated julia among which one is in voxel, As pretty as slow > __ < There's a SVGA version in the archive

ranked 1 @ Fiasko '01 in 2001 on PC

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tags: voxel julia fractal

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This demo have been downloaded 2 003 times among which 1 082 times the previous month.

  • poi for once, classical fractals are really beautiful
  • Optimus The slowest tiny intro I have ever seen in my life! Nice for a slideshow though ;)
  • LGDT the VGA version is fast enough
  • me again! This one needs a Pentium 4GHz but very pretty!
  • sirleto? whow ! i really like that lighting / shadowing ... can some explain me (noob) how to do that with so few lines ? do the voxels have normals, or what ?
  • Intrinsic Mandel Moutains, an Amiga program release in 1991 :) Produced georgeous looking images in this style. They ain't voxels afaik
  • Mark Rejhon Very nice effect. XP2500 - About 4fps for VGA, about 0.5 fps for SVGA
  • Taky The best 256 i've ever seen
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