

Infinite by Fefe / Breeze

3download this ***** 256b infinite.zip

Sinebobs with a checkerboard type scrolling ground.

ranked 3 @ Contest '99 in 1999 on PC

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This demo have been downloaded 2 359 times among which 1 130 times the previous month.

  • P01 rock solid! and all that with the default palette :)
  • kometbomb I dig the design in this. there certainly are two kinds of good 256 byte intros, the ones with amazing code and the other with great design :)
  • Intrinsic Awesome :)
  • P01 2 years before, there was Amistyle by Shayde / Reality ( http://www.256b.com/demo.php?demoId=27 )
  • baze this one is amazing (not only) considering the time it was created
  • MathM rules
  • Optimus Very nice!
  • DiLA Looks complicated ;)
  • las i like it!

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